COVID-19: 3 Things HVAC Companies Need To Change During and After the Pandemic
Guest Blogger: Luke Weiden
The pandemic has changed a lot of things we do in our lives and in our businesses. Something to think about though: it will likely change the way we operate moving forward. When this all started, we all provided personal protective equipment (PPE) for our field staff. That is a no brainer – but what do you really need to be doing above and beyond PPE to ease customers fears? The idea that we will never be able to sit across from a homeowner and present repair or replacement options is foolish. Sure, there will be some customers that absolutely will not engage because they are in fear of the virus, but the overwhelming majority will not fall into that category.
Here are a few things you should consider implementing into your practice. These will help dissipate the tension and make your customers feel safe having teachings in their home.
1. Provide a detailed description of what precautions the technician/comfort advisor/installer will be taking in the customer’s home. This description should be sent via email or text prior to every call. Give the customer peace of mind that your employees are safe. Here is what we send to every customer prior to the call.
“In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Deljo Heating & Cooling is taking preventative steps and following recommendations from the CDC. All employees are required to wash hands regularly and sanitize work spaces and equipment often. Our installers and technicians will be respecting your personal space and will be refraining from shaking hands. Our installers and technicians are required to wear masks and gloves while in the home. Any employee who is feeling sick is required to stay at home. We kindly ask that you advise Deljo if anyone in your home is feeling sick. If you have any concerns, please let us know. We at Deljo are committed to our customer’s and employee’s health.”
2. Do not try and become the “No contact” business: This is the easiest and fastest way to bankruptcy. To add value, you must be in front of the customer and explain your services and why your company is better than the next guy. If you start becoming the “no contact” business, you are only going to be “dropping off bids.” This is a race to the bottom, and you will lose. Instead try and put your customer at ease knowing that the technicians, salesperson, or installer are taking all precautions to make them safe. Continue to add value to the homeowners. Value buyers are inherently looking for the best “value” not the lowest price. I know this because I am one of those consumers. We are in the relationship business, if you do not keep in front of the customers you will not be able to build long term relationships. Long term relationships make this business easier over time.
3. Stop using the term “Social distancing” instead use physical distancing. “Mrs. Jones, we use physical distancing and keep the social in our process. This way we can still get to know you and your home.” Again, make it known that you are following safe best practices but are still encouraging your team to building long term relationships.
Luke Weiden is Sales Manager at Deljo Heating & Cooling and Co-owner of American Home Heating in Chicago, IL. Luke manages a multi-million dollar producing HVAC sales team and has a track record of increasing sales revenue, business growth, and increasing bottom lines. He is also experienced in implementing business process, sales structures, and internal key performance indicators. You can hear Luke share his best practices on sales, service and business, with co-host Matt “BigCat” Barbosa, on Between 2 Furnaces Podcast. Listen on Apple, Spotify or PodParadise.