HVAC Blogging Basics

Should you add a blog to your HVAC website?  Of course you should!  The benefits of a blog are bountiful.  From improving your website’s organic reach, to positioning you as an expert, a blog is an HVAC dealer’s new BFF.

So what is a blog exactly? 

It’s a website that focuses on written content, or articles. A blog falls under the category of “inbound marketing,” which is a fancy way to say marketing that uses content, or articles, to draw customers in.


Think of it this way: direct mail is an outward push.  You’re sending out mail that essentially pushes your products and services on homeowners.  Inbound marketing is a pull.  You put good, educational information out there, customers interact with it, you earn their trust and pull them in. Inbound marketing is one of the best and most cost-effective forms of marketing to new customers since they begin to trust you as a resource before they even know you or contact you.

How can a blog help you? 

Add a blog to your website and write about HVAC topics (e.g. indoor air quality, or proper humidity, or filter change benefits).  Then, when a homeowner searches the web for information about their home or system (searches like: “How to deal with pet allergies,” or “My house is too dry” or “How to change a furnace filter”) keywords from your blog article that match their query bring your blog up in the search results.  The homeowner then clicks on your blog link and reads your article.  Boom!  You’ve just positioned yourself as the expert, provided them with needed information and best of all, earned their trust.

Blogs help your HVAC website ranking in numerous ways.  Here are just a few.

  • A blog adds pages to your website.
  • It also keeps your website updated with fresh, relevant information.
  • Blogging gives you the opportunity to include relevant keywords in a natural and organic way, instead of “stuffing” them on your homepage.
  • A blog keeps people on your website longer. When visitors remain on your website for longer periods, search engines view your website as a good resource and this will help your rankings.

You don’t have to be a professional writer to get started.  You just have to write about what you know and are passionate about.  But there are a few rules to follow.

Remember, it’s not about you.  It’s not about selling your services.  Blog to educate.  Blog to solve your audience’s problems. Blog about things your audience cares about.  (Hint: Think of the questions your customers regularly ask you and write about those topics.)

Don’t plagiarize.  Your content must be original.  You can’t just copy and paste from other sources.  First, it’s illegal and seriously bad form, and second, Google will penalize your website if it recognizes duplicate content.  And that certainly defeats the point of the blog.

Keywords are key.  A blog article is a perfect place to incorporate your keywords without having to stuff them on your other web pages.  (Hint: Write an article about the benefits of ductless heating and post it to your blog before you run that fall ductless promotion.)

Blog consistently.  Tough to do, I know.  But do your best to post an article once a week.  And keep to the schedule.  The more you blog, the more traffic you’ll get to your website. (Look! You’re on my website reading my blog right now!)   And those conversions are what you’re after.

And finally, write like you speak.  Make your articles conversational and don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through.  (Unless you’re a jerk.  Then keep your personality to yourself and let someone else in your company write your blog.)  Oh, and be sure you have someone proofread your articles before you post them.  Spelling and grammar matter.  Just like your Mom always said they would.

Now get out there and blog!

Need a little help getting started? Want to add a blog to your website?  We can help!  Call EB&L Marketing @315.685.9500


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