Marketing Whack-A-Mole

Did you find yourself rushing to use up marketing co-op dollars this past December? (Be honest, there’s no judgment here!) Did you spend those dollars on things like hats and T-shirts for your staff instead of spending them on marketing initiatives that would have brought you leads in the new year? Or worse, did you lose those dollars because you got busy and didn’t have time to get ‘er done?

We see a lot of “reactive marketing” in this industry. Meaning, we see contractors jumping at marketing “opportunities” that present themselves, or special deals that the radio rep stops by to sell them. Or rushing to place an ad because they saw that their competitor did. Because there is no plan or strategy in place, they are forced to react to everything that comes across their desk. It’s like marketing whack-a-mole!

When you do this type of reactive marketing, the result is that you spend too much money, stress yourself out and invariably, you don’t get the response you were hoping for.

HVAC marketing ALWAYS works best when it’s proactive, strategic and repetitive!

The best way to avoid reactive marketing is to create a marketing plan for your company.

Your marketing plan should include the following:

  • Your company goals
  • Timeframe you want to achieve them in
  • Specific steps needed to accomplish your goals
  • How you’re going to track your activities
  • Your budget (4-6% for moderate growth, 8-10% for aggressive growth)

It’s the perfect time of the year to get your plan together.

If you’re interested in putting a marketing plan together for your company, just shoot us an email ( and we’ll set up a private Marketing Consultation.

What happens in a marketing consultation?

Considering a Marketing Consultation for your company? Here’s a quick overview of what to expect.

What will happen in the meeting?

We’ll discuss your company in general and your goals.

We’ll review your website and your current marketing efforts.

We’ll talk about your target market; i.e. who are you trying to market to?

We’ll answer any questions you have about HVAC marketing!

Who should attend?

Company owner/s and anyone who works on marketing or advertising for your company.

What should you prepare for the meeting?

  • Marketing materials that you’ve previously produced, such as ads, postcards, brochures, etc., as well as information on any digital marketing campaigns you are running (paid search, SEO, etc.)
  • An idea of what you’re currently spending on marketing for each of these items

How long will the consult last?

About 2-3 hours. They are conducted via Skype or FaceTime.

What are the next steps?

EB&L will spend some time putting together a customized marketing plan just for your business.

About a week after our initial consult we will schedule another conference call with you during which you’ll receive a written proposal from us detailing the best marketing options for your company. 

The overall goal is to help you spend your marketing dollars wisely – not spend more of them.

Is a marketing consultation right for your company?

Are you spending money on marketing but not sure how/if it’s working?

Are you operating without an annual marketing plan?

Are you doing solid business but want to take things to the next level?

Do you typically have co-op dollars left at year end?

Do you wonder if you’re spending too much – or not enough – on marketing?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then call 315.685.9500 or email to schedule a Marketing Consultation with an EB&L Marketing specialist today.

Written by: Elaina Wellstead

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